Nonprofit Development Professionals - Compensation Survey
February 2016
The results of our salary survey are in! To read our report, click HERE!
Nonprofit Boards - Survey Results
June 2015
What about Boards?
In the Spring of 2015, Sage Advancement Group asked a group of New England-based nonprofit professionals for feedback about their organizations’ boards. Here is what they had to say.
Boards greatest strengths lie in the areas relative to general support of the organization.
A strong majority (75%) agree that board members bring the right skills to their organization
Virtually all (87%) indicate that board members have a good understanding of the mission of their organization
Two thirds (63%) agree that board members are actively engaged with their organization and attend events sponsored by their organization
Financial support and participation in fundraising are areas of weakness for most boards.
The vast majority of nonprofit professionals (87%) say that 10% or LESS of annual revenue comes from board members
Half (50%) say they have NO give or get policy for board members; when there is a give or get policy, the amount required is small ($2,500 or less)
85% of respondents say that their board does not participates in fundraising activities
88% of respondents say that board members DO NOT make significant financial contributions to their organization
“Our biggest challenge is a lack of board leadership in philanthropy - both giving and being engaged.”
“There are virtually no significant donors on our board, which creates a challenge in working with major philanthropists in the community.”
“We need to help board members understand their fundraising responsibility.”
Board organization and recruitment could be improved.
Half of respondents say they have NO term limits
Most indicate that their board fails to recruit high quality candidates to join the board
About half say they don’t have an effective process for on boarding new members
Board members could be doing a better job actively promoting their organization
“We need to have some long term members who are in leadership positions retire with grace.”
“Our organization needs to expand the board with additional skill sets and diversity relative to race and gender.”
A Closer Look at Nonprofits in New England
December 2014
In an effort to measure trends among nonprofit organizations in New England, Sage Advancement Group conducted the first in a series of surveys on topics of interest to nonprofit executives. We asked leaders in the nonprofit sector about their top concerns heading into 2015, where they were focusing their efforts, and their goals for the year. Here are the results...
Fundraising 65%
Board Development 51%
Branding/Marketing 46%
Campaigns 35%
Strategic Planning 24%
Staffing 24%
Lack of adequate staffing
Ineffective board
Poor internal communication
Biggest Challenges for Nonprofits
20% 40% 60% 80%
Respondents reported that major gifts, annual giving and capital campaigns are the programs that account for the lion's share of philanthropic support at their organizations. Special events, planned giving and membership programs are less critical when it comes to funding.
Recruiting new board members 74%
Expanding fundraising 73%
Enhancing branding 65%
Strategic planning 60%
Training boards & staff 52%
Recruiting volunteers 46%
Campaigning 37%
Adding staff 30%
Hiring a consultant 27%
Introducing new programs 27%
Conducting market research 26%
Nonprofits are going to be busy....

10% or more
Don't know
Growth Expected for Overall Giving
in Current Fiscal Year

Who Responded to the Survey?

47% have 100+ employees
7% have 50-100 employees
46% have 1-50 employees